Monday, March 21, 2011

A new beginning...

I have decided to be more regular at blogging from now on.
And a new beginning needs new ideas, a new approach and most importantly a new address.

I can still be reached at

Thanks for reading and all your feedback.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Romeo and I ....

I've gotten enough grief about how how addicted I am to my Romeo, but I dont care. There is just sooo much more we have to say to each other!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


कई बार यूँ भी देखा है,
ये जो मन की सीमा रेखा है, मन तोड़ने लगता है....
अनजानी प्यास के पीछे,
एक अनजानी आस के पीछे, मन दौड़ने लगता है....

- योगेश
