yup, a cliche. but it's true.
2010 was supposed to be the year of the wild child.
well...atleast that's what id said to my friends...as a joke.
little did i know that that's how the year will turn out.
i did more uncharacterstic things in 2010 than at any other time in my life.
some im happy about, some not so much.
but all in all i think 2010 was a year that in many ways has laid the foundation for the rest of my life.
i don't even know what it means except that i can just feel it in my heart.
all i know is that i've changed as a person. for the better, u ask? hah! who knows...
but now in 2011, i hope to take a chance on myself.
its not as crazy as it sounds. its crazier.
how often do we become slaves to our jobs, that many of us don't even like?
a strict regimented life where it becomes essential to check all the right boxes, that supposedly grade us on the "success scale"?!
nah, don't get me wrong.
like everyone else, i too want a grreaat job. the best in the world.
but not one where il be a slave to it.
yes, i want great successes, decent money and lots of fun.
but nobody gets everything and that's why we prioritise, don't we?
job, money, house, car, more money, husband/wife, kids, more and more money, isn't that the order?
well recently it was pointed out to me, that all fun had gone out of my life.
i was also chasing all the above mentioned things. well some of them anyway.
but when i prioritised i realised my top of the list was happiness.
real happiness that comes with doing things i like, not necessarily that make me a mover n shaker!
so here's to happier times in 2011, doing stupid, crazy things but always having fun.
my bestest friend and i have a new deal with life.
"kuch bhi ho jaaye yahan bass khush rehna hai..."
(no matter what happens in life, we always have to be happy..)
thank you zeus, your advice has been heeded.
no more making plans but just going with the flow and being open to everything without prejudices.
all with an eye on a better, happier future :)

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