an argument between two friends about what's more important in life: lauuu or money?!
now this was a very tough one for me...since i dont think either brings happiness.
so it was one of those rare moments...where i was sitting on the fence!
normally im too opinionated for my own good. (or so says zeus)
the person in favor of lauuu...gave this long winding speech about caring, sharing .. blah blah blah...which frankly only sounds sweet on the miss universe podium being given by a forever-teen-something giraffe who weighs less than 50 pounds!!
the guy giving the speech wrapped up his very lonnng and very boring argument by saying how a hug and a kiss from someone u lauuu or who lauus u can take away all the pain of life?!
i know..i know.
i was ready to throw up too!
but the other person just sealed the debate with one line...atleast for me.
"that's great and everything but have you ever tried paying bills with a hug?"
hahahahahahahahahahahaha im still rolling on the floor
as he summed up his argument in the second line,
"dude, its a no contest."
hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. thats why, i hope....
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
original is gold, but...
...there are some exceptions even to this rule.
now id told you a million years ago that i absolutely LOVEEE bollywood.
but more than that i LOVEEE bollywood music.
its so dramatic, larger than life and really can describe practically each and every feeling, emotion you've ever experienced in life!!
yup, you name a feeling, a situation and voila! we have a song :)
i love it all.
old music, new music. romantic songs, sad one, dances, cabarets, mujras everything.
what i dont like are REMIXES. they almost always ruin beautiful compositions.
but in the last couple of years, ive been doing a quick rethink on that theory.
here are some, which ive really really come to love.
1. THIS one is my absolute fav. THis song is guaranteed to improve my mood no matter what. oh and i must confess, i absolutely hated the original of this song...but it may have something to do with the fact that annoying babita (karishma n kareena kapoors mother!) starred in it...and in effect ruined the song for me.
2. i liked the original as well sung by legendary mukesh, but in this version from 'namesake' susheela raman's voice takes you to another world altogether...a hypnotic trance that you never wanna come out of.
3. this one is the most interesting in the list, i think. kishore kumar, the man i worship..had simply rocked the original version. great lyrics, all the right beats and kishore's magical voice...not a note was out of tune. and yet somehow without changing too much nitin bali...who is not even a great singer gave this smashing song. sometimes i think he chose the song well..thats it. perhaps u agree?!
4. Bombay Vikings, what can i say...they've taken a very beautiful song and turned it into something completely different and even more beautiful. Im so glad that Neeraj Shridhar, the lead singer from the Bombay Vikings is now creating 'original' magic in bollywood.
5. in the original its a sweet laid-back beautiful song again sung by mukesh...which gets completely transformed by energetic anamika. im no really sure WHAT i like in this new version...but for some inexplicable reason, i do.
6. Now in this one...its the same original composition...they've just re-filmed it. And thank god they did. Now ul say...its the same song?! Only those who've seen the original will know why I chose to put it here. The original picturisation KILLED the song piece by piece, note by note. not to mention the ugly actors..raj kiran and shoma anand for cryin out loud!!! I mean just look at this beautiful man. sigh.
you know in remixes....its not just about a faster pacier beat...which let's face it...sometimes just ruins the songs and more than that...the whole mood of the song. after all not all songs can be in the same peppy can they?!
let me know ur thoughts on this whole business of remixes. oh and pls share if you can think of any other great ones!
now id told you a million years ago that i absolutely LOVEEE bollywood.
but more than that i LOVEEE bollywood music.
its so dramatic, larger than life and really can describe practically each and every feeling, emotion you've ever experienced in life!!
yup, you name a feeling, a situation and voila! we have a song :)
i love it all.
old music, new music. romantic songs, sad one, dances, cabarets, mujras everything.
what i dont like are REMIXES. they almost always ruin beautiful compositions.
but in the last couple of years, ive been doing a quick rethink on that theory.
here are some, which ive really really come to love.
1. THIS one is my absolute fav. THis song is guaranteed to improve my mood no matter what. oh and i must confess, i absolutely hated the original of this song...but it may have something to do with the fact that annoying babita (karishma n kareena kapoors mother!) starred in it...and in effect ruined the song for me.
2. i liked the original as well sung by legendary mukesh, but in this version from 'namesake' susheela raman's voice takes you to another world altogether...a hypnotic trance that you never wanna come out of.
3. this one is the most interesting in the list, i think. kishore kumar, the man i worship..had simply rocked the original version. great lyrics, all the right beats and kishore's magical voice...not a note was out of tune. and yet somehow without changing too much nitin bali...who is not even a great singer gave this smashing song. sometimes i think he chose the song well..thats it. perhaps u agree?!
4. Bombay Vikings, what can i say...they've taken a very beautiful song and turned it into something completely different and even more beautiful. Im so glad that Neeraj Shridhar, the lead singer from the Bombay Vikings is now creating 'original' magic in bollywood.
5. in the original its a sweet laid-back beautiful song again sung by mukesh...which gets completely transformed by energetic anamika. im no really sure WHAT i like in this new version...but for some inexplicable reason, i do.
6. Now in this one...its the same original composition...they've just re-filmed it. And thank god they did. Now ul say...its the same song?! Only those who've seen the original will know why I chose to put it here. The original picturisation KILLED the song piece by piece, note by note. not to mention the ugly actors..raj kiran and shoma anand for cryin out loud!!! I mean just look at this beautiful man. sigh.
you know in remixes....its not just about a faster pacier beat...which let's face it...sometimes just ruins the songs and more than that...the whole mood of the song. after all not all songs can be in the same peppy can they?!
let me know ur thoughts on this whole business of remixes. oh and pls share if you can think of any other great ones!
bombay vikings,
kishore kumar,
nitin bali,
susheela raman
Monday, January 10, 2011
what can i say...
be very careful of what u wish for. u just might get it.
yup, a cliche. but it's true.
2010 was supposed to be the year of the wild child.
well...atleast that's what id said to my a joke.
little did i know that that's how the year will turn out.
i did more uncharacterstic things in 2010 than at any other time in my life.
some im happy about, some not so much.
but all in all i think 2010 was a year that in many ways has laid the foundation for the rest of my life.
i don't even know what it means except that i can just feel it in my heart.
all i know is that i've changed as a person. for the better, u ask? hah! who knows...
but now in 2011, i hope to take a chance on myself.
its not as crazy as it sounds. its crazier.
how often do we become slaves to our jobs, that many of us don't even like?
a strict regimented life where it becomes essential to check all the right boxes, that supposedly grade us on the "success scale"?!
nah, don't get me wrong.
like everyone else, i too want a grreaat job. the best in the world.
but not one where il be a slave to it.
yes, i want great successes, decent money and lots of fun.
but nobody gets everything and that's why we prioritise, don't we?
job, money, house, car, more money, husband/wife, kids, more and more money, isn't that the order?
well recently it was pointed out to me, that all fun had gone out of my life.
i was also chasing all the above mentioned things. well some of them anyway.
but when i prioritised i realised my top of the list was happiness.
real happiness that comes with doing things i like, not necessarily that make me a mover n shaker!
so here's to happier times in 2011, doing stupid, crazy things but always having fun.
my bestest friend and i have a new deal with life.
"kuch bhi ho jaaye yahan bass khush rehna hai..."
(no matter what happens in life, we always have to be happy..)
thank you zeus, your advice has been heeded.
no more making plans but just going with the flow and being open to everything without prejudices.
all with an eye on a better, happier future :)

yup, a cliche. but it's true.
2010 was supposed to be the year of the wild child.
well...atleast that's what id said to my a joke.
little did i know that that's how the year will turn out.
i did more uncharacterstic things in 2010 than at any other time in my life.
some im happy about, some not so much.
but all in all i think 2010 was a year that in many ways has laid the foundation for the rest of my life.
i don't even know what it means except that i can just feel it in my heart.
all i know is that i've changed as a person. for the better, u ask? hah! who knows...
but now in 2011, i hope to take a chance on myself.
its not as crazy as it sounds. its crazier.
how often do we become slaves to our jobs, that many of us don't even like?
a strict regimented life where it becomes essential to check all the right boxes, that supposedly grade us on the "success scale"?!
nah, don't get me wrong.
like everyone else, i too want a grreaat job. the best in the world.
but not one where il be a slave to it.
yes, i want great successes, decent money and lots of fun.
but nobody gets everything and that's why we prioritise, don't we?
job, money, house, car, more money, husband/wife, kids, more and more money, isn't that the order?
well recently it was pointed out to me, that all fun had gone out of my life.
i was also chasing all the above mentioned things. well some of them anyway.
but when i prioritised i realised my top of the list was happiness.
real happiness that comes with doing things i like, not necessarily that make me a mover n shaker!
so here's to happier times in 2011, doing stupid, crazy things but always having fun.
my bestest friend and i have a new deal with life.
"kuch bhi ho jaaye yahan bass khush rehna hai..."
(no matter what happens in life, we always have to be happy..)
thank you zeus, your advice has been heeded.
no more making plans but just going with the flow and being open to everything without prejudices.
all with an eye on a better, happier future :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011
dressed for success but not for travel...
travelling is an artform. ya it is.
u remember seeing that cool guy/girl at the waiting lounge, just reading a book without a care in the world?
the one who always looks fresh and never like the rest of us mere mortals struggling with 400 things at the same time just to make our flight on time?!
well...being cool is an attitude that ur born with. but hopefully some of these tips will make us better travellers:
- do NOT dress according to the weather ever!
if u think its summers and so uve dressed in a vest and shorts...the smarty-pants (officials!) are guaranteed to freeze ur ass off at the airport and on the plane. For God's sake...just cos its 90 degree fahrenheit outside, doesnt mean everyone inside is craving sub zero temperatures!
and heaven forbid if its cold outside. PLEASE i beg of u, just wear a t-shirt n carry a light jacket even of its bloody snowing outside. cos the minute ul wear a turtleneck under ur t-shirt along with a woollen scarf and a thick jacket...that's when they'll start turning the thermostat to high until it breaks!
Even if you HAVE to wear layers...just cos its so cold...pls again i beg of u! do NOT wear them UNDER ur t-shirt. otherwise there will come a time when ul wanna RIP YOUR OWN CLOTHES OFF and damn the consequences. believe me, i speak from experience. officials at shanghai airport almost had to rush assistance in my direction cos i was gonna pass out due to hot flashes!!!
- do NOT wear boots, bandanas
oh yeah sure, they look great they are super comfortable and u really wanna wear them. boots are the bane of air-travel. in America u have to take off your shoes anyway, so its ok but believe me anywhere else...the damn boots dont stop beeping at metal detectors, if they havent already pulled u aside ie! avoid the bandanas too...especially if you have piercings..even if its a tiny one on the nose. they will let the narcotics dogs sniff u till kingdom come...believe u me!!!
- do NOT be oversmart with ur hand luggage.
take it from me, its best to just dump it all in check-in luggage and PAY for it, rather than carry the weight of a dead body (literally!) on ur back across airports. and if ur luck is anything like mine....believe me ur boarding gate is going to be in the furthest corner of the airport and ya good luck trying to get that trolley!

u remember seeing that cool guy/girl at the waiting lounge, just reading a book without a care in the world?
the one who always looks fresh and never like the rest of us mere mortals struggling with 400 things at the same time just to make our flight on time?!
well...being cool is an attitude that ur born with. but hopefully some of these tips will make us better travellers:
- do NOT dress according to the weather ever!
if u think its summers and so uve dressed in a vest and shorts...the smarty-pants (officials!) are guaranteed to freeze ur ass off at the airport and on the plane. For God's sake...just cos its 90 degree fahrenheit outside, doesnt mean everyone inside is craving sub zero temperatures!
and heaven forbid if its cold outside. PLEASE i beg of u, just wear a t-shirt n carry a light jacket even of its bloody snowing outside. cos the minute ul wear a turtleneck under ur t-shirt along with a woollen scarf and a thick jacket...that's when they'll start turning the thermostat to high until it breaks!
Even if you HAVE to wear layers...just cos its so cold...pls again i beg of u! do NOT wear them UNDER ur t-shirt. otherwise there will come a time when ul wanna RIP YOUR OWN CLOTHES OFF and damn the consequences. believe me, i speak from experience. officials at shanghai airport almost had to rush assistance in my direction cos i was gonna pass out due to hot flashes!!!
- do NOT wear boots, bandanas
oh yeah sure, they look great they are super comfortable and u really wanna wear them. boots are the bane of air-travel. in America u have to take off your shoes anyway, so its ok but believe me anywhere else...the damn boots dont stop beeping at metal detectors, if they havent already pulled u aside ie! avoid the bandanas too...especially if you have piercings..even if its a tiny one on the nose. they will let the narcotics dogs sniff u till kingdom come...believe u me!!!
- do NOT be oversmart with ur hand luggage.
take it from me, its best to just dump it all in check-in luggage and PAY for it, rather than carry the weight of a dead body (literally!) on ur back across airports. and if ur luck is anything like mine....believe me ur boarding gate is going to be in the furthest corner of the airport and ya good luck trying to get that trolley!

sun, sand and songs...
i was born in a small town surrounded by the to a lake.
i grew up in the city (in the plains! as everyone calls it) but i pride myself on being a mountain girl through and through.
i love the mountains. i do.
they just speak a very different language. the language of solitude.
i always crib about the cold and then long to go on walks by the lake.
i hate it when my feet are killing me cos of the long walks and are frozen.
yet a steaming cup of coffee by the fire and all is forgotten.
yup, i love my mountains.
but this year in 2011 i really want a PUURRRRFECT beach holiday.
there will be sun, white sand, and lots and lots of beer.
there will be bonfire, a hammock and great music.
so i dont have any resolutions. i have a goal.
and here's the song constantly pushing me towards making this holiday happen.
i grew up in the city (in the plains! as everyone calls it) but i pride myself on being a mountain girl through and through.
i love the mountains. i do.
they just speak a very different language. the language of solitude.
i always crib about the cold and then long to go on walks by the lake.
i hate it when my feet are killing me cos of the long walks and are frozen.
yet a steaming cup of coffee by the fire and all is forgotten.
yup, i love my mountains.
but this year in 2011 i really want a PUURRRRFECT beach holiday.
there will be sun, white sand, and lots and lots of beer.
there will be bonfire, a hammock and great music.
so i dont have any resolutions. i have a goal.
and here's the song constantly pushing me towards making this holiday happen.
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