i know, i know. ive gotten really lazy with my blog.
sometimes i start writing and then get bored and leave it midway.
which would expain why i have so many half-written posts in my mail.
but i just HAD to write about this.
here is my open letter for everyone.
dear all,
im planning to throw a party very soon.
yes, some of u will be invited. some of u wont.
for those of u who dont recive the invite, perhps u should jst be glad.
like all my parties, there will lots of drinks.
there will be loud music ad yes you may bring a friend.
u see, we really like rockin the town at these parties.
but this time there will be one exception.
anyone wanting to be a part of our revelry...pls be ready for a full body search before ur let in.
no im not alarmed about any terror threat.
its more complicated that that.
im sure by now we've all seen and heard the world go into a tizzy over yana gupta's...errr...wardrobe malfunction?
u see she was invited for a children's charity event.
she remembered to wear a very short dress but apparently forgot to wear underwear with it.
now ive no moral stance to take on what one can and cannot wear.
so im not even gonna get drawn into THAT debate.
but one aspect of the whole brouhaha, I must say has made my head spin.
apparently some guy in lucknow got very upset with this display of obscenity and has filed PILs against yana gupta, the photographer who clicked that pic AND THE ORGANISERS of the chaity event.
now i understand that he is very upset, wants the world to know...and some 'punishment' for yana and the photographer for contributing to that obscenity.
but HELLO?! the thirde one didnt make any sense to me.
a PIL against the event organisers?!!!?
im sorry...but they were just hosting a show for underprivileged kids and wanted celebrities for it. now if the invited guest...either forgets or simply doesnt want to wear...underwear...whats the bloody organiser supposed to do in this???
were they supposed to ask yana at the gate...of what she was wearing or not wearing?! duh....
seriously guys...u just cannot be too careful these days.
so next time im throwing a party...ALL of you...pliss keep ur panties on!
and as the organiser and host i shall reserve the right to check for myself..
hope you guys understand.
ps: meanwhile im wondering who is the genius who came up with the pink star?! like really....
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